Are you facing Token supports RSA key pairs is 1024 bits - 2048 bits only error while importing encryption digital signature certificate in USB Token specially in ePass Token / HYP2003 Token ?

Follow the below steps :-
Step 1: Right click on PFX File and Click on Install PFX or double click it.

Step 2: On next screen, choose Store location and click next, then on next screen also click next.

Step 3: On next screen, enter the password of PFX and click on Next button. On next screen, again click on Next button.

Step 4: On next screen, click on Finish and it will be imported successfully.

Step 5 : Now open & login Token tool again and click on Import and choose From Store Option and select certificate from drop down menu. Click on OK button.

After some seconds, it will be import succesfully.
If it shows that certificate already exist in token then select second certificate from the drop down and then import.
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