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Digital Signature for Gram Panchayat, Gram Sarpanch, Gram Sachiv, Gram Pradhan

Updated: Apr 14, 2023

As per government latest notification, Gram Panchayat require digital signature of gram sarpanch to digitally sign all documents related to gram panchayat for faster transactions.

Class 3 digital signature certificate is required for gram sarpanch, gram panchayat.

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Digital signature for gram panchayat, gram sarpanch
Digital signature for gram panchayat, gram sarpanch

All documents such as marriage certificate, birth certificate, Domicile Certificate, and all other certificates will be digitally signed with a valid digital signature (DSC) of concerned person. For this purpose, All Gram panchayat, Gram Panchayat Pradhan, and Tehsildar required to get a valid Class 3 Digital Signature Certificate.

This Class 3 DSC comes with a USB Token also known as Dongle where e sign certificate stores in this dongle.


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