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How to check Digital Signature Certificate Validity and Expiry date ?

Updated: Feb 10

How to check Digital Signature Certificate Validity and Expiry date ?

If you are looking for how to check Digital Signature Certificate Validity, This article will help you in best possible way.

Index :-

How to check DSC Validity in Microsoft Internet Explorer ?

Step 1. Insert USB token on the computer. Make sure USB Token driver is Installed on your Computer. If not then download USB Token drivers from our Website. Download Token Drivers.

Step 2. Search Internet Options in search box of Windows. Open it and Click on Content Tab.

How to check Digital Signature Certificate Validity and Expiry date in Internet Explorer

Step 3. In Content Tab >> Click on Certificates.

How to check Digital Signature Certificate Validity and Expiry date in Internet Explorer

Step 4. You will see names in new Certificates Windoew. Double Click on the Name of the Certificate. A new Windows will be opened. Check your name and Validity as show below.

How to check Digital Signature Certificate Validity and Expiry date in Internet Explorer

Step 5. For more details like Serial Number, Click on "Details" Tab. Here you can see validity and serial number of your digital signature certificate.

How to check Digital Signature Certificate Validity and Expiry date in Internet Explorer

How to check DSC Validity in Microsoft Edge ?

Step 1. Insert USB token on the computer.

Step 2. Search / Open Microsoft Edge >> Click on Settings & More >> Click on Settings Icon.

How to check Digital Signature Certificate Validity and Expiry date in Microsoft Edge

Step 3. Search Certificates in search bar and Click on Manage Certificates.

How to check Digital Signature Certificate Validity and Expiry date in Microsoft Edge

Step 4. A pop up window will get open, Click on Certificate, and Click on View button.

How to check Digital Signature Certificate Validity and Expiry date in Microsoft Edge

Step 5. Another window will open, You can check name and Validity of digital signature as shown below.

How to check Digital Signature Certificate Validity and Expiry date in Microsoft Edge

Step 6. To check Serial Number of digital signature, Click on Details tab and then check serial number.

How to check Digital Signature Certificate Validity and Expiry date in Microsoft Edge

If your digital signature is expired. Renew your digital signature with eSolutions.


How to check DSC Validity in ePass Auto 2003 ( HYP2003 ) ?

Step 1. Insert USB token on the computer. Make sure USB Token driver is Installed on your Computer. If not then download USB Token drivers from our Website. Download Token Drivers.

Step 2: Search HYP or ePass in search box of Windows and Click and Open HyperPKI_ePass2003 Token Manager. Token Manager will open up ( As show in below screen shot ).

How to check Digital Signature Certificate Validity and Expiry date in epass 2003  HYP2003

Step 3: Click on Login button, Enter Token Password / PIN and Click on OK. If you forget the USB Token password, Check how to reset ePass Auto 2003 ( HYP200 ) Password.

How to check Digital Signature Certificate Validity and Expiry date in epass 2003  HYP2003

Step 4: After login, Click on the Name of the Certificate, And Check Expiry Date and Serial Number of Certificate will be shown on two points. ( See red marks in below image )

How to check Digital Signature Certificate Validity and Expiry date in epass 2003  HYP2003

Step 5: To print a Certificate Details, Click on Print Certificate icon, Select Printer or PDF Tool and Click on OK to print it.

How to check Digital Signature Certificate Validity and Expiry date in epass 2003  HYP2003

If your digital signature is expired. Renew your digital signature with eSolutions.

How to check Digital Signature Validity in Proxkey USB Token ?

Step 1: Please insert the Watchdata or Proxkey USB Token and open the Proxkey Token tool Manager Application. The Proxkey Token tool USB token dashboard would be displayed on the screen.

Step 2: Click on Certificate button to view the certificate information.

Step 3: A list of digital certificates would be displayed in the dashboard. The user can select the preferred certificate and click on Show certificate.

Step 4: The certificate details would be displayed to the user such as Organization name, Issued on, Expiry date, Key usage etc.

Step 5: Click on Certificate name to see Expiry Date, Name of Applicant. For more details, click on Details Tab and check serial number of dsc also.

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